Using Artificial Intelligence to Reduce Healthcare Costs

Health insurers can save money by using artificial intelligence (AI) to improve claims management, such as automating prior authorization and managing health care and provider relationships. AI can also help prevent readmissions and manage the provider directory. Healthcare applications can bring tremendous value to clinical and administrative workflows in healthcare provider environments. AI can accelerate healthcare administrative operations, such as transcribing medical notes, by eliminating manual data entry, correcting human errors, and automatically processing electronic medical records (EHR).

AI and machine learning are becoming more common in healthcare, driving the evolution of the industry. Deep learning, a subset of AI designed to identify patterns, uses algorithms and data to provide automated information to healthcare providers. The integration of AI into the healthcare ecosystem offers a multitude of benefits, such as the automation of tasks and the analysis of large patient data sets to provide better medical care faster and at a lower cost. A fundamental part of the power of AI in the healthcare industry is its ability to analyze a large number of data sets.

KenSci's healthcare risk prediction platform is designed to collect, transform and integrate disparate sources of healthcare data, including EHRs, claims, administrative and financial data, and others. AI can help reduce costs while providing better healthcare faster. By automating tasks and analyzing large patient data sets, AI can help healthcare providers make more informed decisions quickly and efficiently. This will ultimately lead to improved patient outcomes at a lower cost.

Deanna Trueman
Deanna Trueman

Social media practitioner. Devoted music fan. Certified zombie ninja. Total bacon expert. Hardcore zombie practitioner.